Waydroid Support for the Mecha Comet [with demo]


A container-based approach to boot a full Android system on comet running Wayland based desktop environments.

This tutorial focuses on bringing Waydroid support to the Mecha Comet, it ensures compatibility, performance, and hardware acceleration, allowing users to run Android applications alongside their Linux workflow.

The Waydroid environment includes a minimal, customized Android system image based on LineageOS, currently using Android 11.

:rocket: Prerequisites

  • You need sudo privileges to execute the commands.
  • Ensure Mecha Comet is connected to wireless and have internet access.

Installation Steps

Follow these steps to install Waydroid on comet:

kernel flags modifications

  • Install pre-requisites
sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
  • Add the official repository
curl -s https://repo.waydro.id | sudo bash

If the script fails to detect your distribution, you can provide a valid option by appending -s bookworm

  • Install waydroid
sudo apt install waydroid -y

Then start Waydroid from the applications menu. :tada:

:old_key: Manually Starting Waydroid

To start Waydroid without systemctl, you need to follow a few simple steps

Start the container first:

sudo waydroid container start

And in a new terminal tab, start the waydroid session (without sudo ):

waydroid session start

After that starts and you see “Android with user 0 is ready”, it is safe to launch an app from the applications menu, or

Launch Waydroid In Full-Screen Mode:

(This can be run while Waydroid is running, or used to start it in full-screen mode)

waydroid show-full-ui

Install and Run Android Applications

You can install Android applications with:

waydroid app install xyz.apk


Is there a sub forum not pushing the scamdriod virus? Only reason I am here is for open Linux or BSD options.
If the Dream is just another Zombie clown google device let mew know now so I am not following a train wreck in progress… this is not 1998 nor 2007 and after 18 years of droid garbage enough is enough IMHO. Linux should have replaced MS in 2001, but people were slow to adopt, but windows 11 is more Linux w windows UI than windows also I may add same happened to Apple in 1999 with X ergo Darwin BSD — with a apple UI overlay