Category Topics

Getting Started

Welcome to the Mecha Community Forum! Get started by reviewing the topics in this category. Feel free to introduce yourself—we’d love to meet you!


Stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the Mecha team.
Discover important information about product releases, events, and community highlights.

Mecha Comet

Discuss our friendly neighbourhood handheld computer the Mecha Comet, share your feedback, use-cases, ideas and experiences, ask questions and keep the conversation going.

Mecha Metal

Dive into topics related to Mecha Metal, our single-board computer.
Exchange knowledge on integrating Metal with various applications and potential and real-world use cases.

Mechanix OS

Explore discussions about our custom Linux distribution, Mechanix OS. Share topics on Debian integration, build systems, package management, and GUI development for Mecha devices.

Cloud Services

Discuss the Mecha cloud services and its APIs, integrations with external cloud applications and cloud-native platforms, ask for help, share ideas and experiences.


Get help with technical issues and find solutions from the Mecha community.
Share your own troubleshooting experiences and assist others in resolving issues.

Makers & Developers

A dedicated space for Makers and developers keen to collaborate and build custom extensions and integrations. Share your project ideas, get support from the Mecha team and the community for software, hardware and CAD.

Project Showcase

Showcase your Mecha-powered projects and get inspired by other users’ creations.
Share success stories, receive feedback, and explore innovative applications of Mecha.

Cooler Talk

Engage in casual conversations with fellow Mecha enthusiasts on various tech topics.
Discuss industry trends, share interesting articles, and network with the Mecha community.