Possible error in the Display Specs in the Data Sheet?

On the website and in the Data Sheet doc, it says that the Display is a 3.4" IPS LED Display, Capacitive Touch.

I thought IPS displays can only be LCD and not LED? Am I mistaken?

Hey @saintforlife, thanks for pointing this out you are right this was a mistake. The Comet is powered by a LCD with LED backlit (LED-backlit LCD - Wikipedia). Attached below are the specs from the datasheet

We will update the docs and datasheet.

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Awesome, thanks! Very excited for the product. Can’t wait for the Kickstater launch.


Hey @saintforlife the datasheet is now updated on the website https://web-assets.mecha.so/mecha-comet-datasheet-18-jan.pdf. Its 3.4" LCD (LED-backlit), Capactive Touch.